Here is one more post before I hit the road, I designed this business card the other day to try and create a more artistic outlook on the Community of Christ. Plus youth ministers are supposed to look cool right?
anyways, feel free to email me or call me
if you want to know the stories behind these photos
or if you just want to talk.
Posted by Zach E. at 8:25 AM 0 comments
finishing up my previous painting before I take off for camps. One week at Jr. Camp, one week at Sr. High camp, and one week at Reunion. Then two more weeks in the Midwest for more camps. The campground I'm going to doesn't have internet so it will be awhile before I put up new posts. I plan on sticking to my word though and posting a picture for every day I'm at camp.
love you all
Posted by Zach E. at 11:34 PM 0 comments

Posted by Zach E. at 12:02 AM 0 comments

Posted by Zach E. at 8:58 AM 0 comments

Posted by Zach E. at 11:32 PM 0 comments

Posted by Zach E. at 8:51 AM 0 comments

I will love
this best friend
for the rest of
my life.
Posted by Zach E. at 11:21 PM 0 comments

Posted by Zach E. at 12:42 AM 0 comments

From now until June 17th 2010 I will display one picture every single day that describes the experiences I am going through. There will be places where I do not have the internet so I will play catch up at times but I will strive to keep up.
The mindset I have in the beginning states of my job as a youth minister is to simply be in the background and observe. Understand peoples personalities as well as the environment around me. This leaf is from one of the many forest preserves that New York has to offer.
Posted by Zach E. at 5:31 PM 0 comments
My Goal...
I am currently a youth minister, and it will be in my best efforts to write about my experience with the youth. It is my goal to show as many youth as I can that they are the ones that have the ability to shape the way this world views the environment, politics, religion, and many other aspects of life. With all of my ability, I will try to empower the youth to become an agent of positive change for this world.
I am also interested in your stories as well, if you have any experiences that brought about social change, empowerment, or any other positive interaction please write them to me and I will post them for all to see.
Posted by Zach E. at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Let Us Begin
This is my life.
and my life affects your life.
as does yours to mine.
Posted by Zach E. at 9:38 PM 0 comments