Dry Spell
Posted by Zach E. at 3:23 PM 0 comments
Finals Finals Finals
Posted by Zach E. at 1:01 PM 0 comments
The Distance
Posted by Zach E. at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Where I Live
Posted by Zach E. at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Just to Get by
Posted by Zach E. at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Posted by Zach E. at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by Zach E. at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Hello Again
Posted by Zach E. at 6:30 PM 0 comments

I have no idea who this man is. The first time
I saw him he was looking down on the busy downtown
street that he lives on just mean mugging everyone.
At first I was put off by this but then he sat back down
and started to send hundreds of bubbles to the pavement.
I'm sure that doesn't sound that special but it was amazing
how that act changed my attitude and the attitude of those
around me. Everyone was happy at this display of playful
generosity. I have no idea what his motives are, but I wish
there were more out there like him.
Posted by Zach E. at 6:04 PM 0 comments

I've been out of commission for awhile,
and upon looking into the possible future
I can definitely see a lack of posts during those
summer months. Not because I don't care.
But because I will be engaging with some of my
closest friends and family and trying to take in
every minute of it. I love you all and thank
you for looking at the pictures of my life, even
when I do not post them for a long time.
I will try to keep up with these until my summer
of friends and family begins.
Posted by Zach E. at 6:58 PM 0 comments
(which just so happens to be my wife too)
is awesome.
But not just some favorite lip balm type of awesome.
She is WWE (formally WWF) off the top rope kick ass
awesome. She isn't just some warm glass of milk awesome.
She is a couple drinks into the night and that song
comes on that every person mumbles the words to but
belts out the chorus awesome. She isn't found a $20
bill on the street awesome (which is pretty awesome).
She's ripping through the Amazon on a off road segway awesome.
Currently Allie and I are going through a huge decision.
For all of you that don't know, I am a VERY easy-going
person. Once a decision is made I roll with it. Allie is a
contemplative thinker, making sure every angle and
outlook is covered. This is funny to me simply
because I do not posses that mindset and never have.
I'm thankful she does however, or else there would
be nothing to counter act my thinking.
Even though the way her mind works stresses
me out sometimes, it is very easy to see just
how awesome this person really is. She thinks I'm pretty
awesome too but that reminds me of a Paulo Coelho
quote that basically says, "love is not something that is
pressed upon you by another, you have had it all your life,
love is something that is awakened within you at the
presence of another." I believe that. I am so loving to
Allie because she awakens this great love within me.
because I know that the love I have to offer is reciprocated
with the same gracefulness. We have very unique
standards for ourselves and I have yet to meet another
person that is so similar in goals and values. It's a
damn miracle that I am here now, to think that
she is here with me as well is fascinating.
Posted by Zach E. at 11:20 PM 0 comments

Television news programs survive on scares.
Most have the motto, "if it bleeds it leads".
This tactic in media causes us to feel unsafe
and sometimes paranoid. The show will usually
offer a solution to the nightmare, like describing
the victim or how to protect yourself. But
is the real victim here when a staggering statistic
exists like the one above?
Posted by Zach E. at 4:58 PM 0 comments

Why are we surrounded by fear?
Why does the news thrive on tragedy?
Crime rates have been plunging since the
1990's, yet two thirds of the American
population believed that they were soaring.
The images that will be presented in the coming
days are to encourage you to question some
of America's greatest fears and possibly look
into what truly lies benieth the paranoia.
"Gives us a happy ending and
we write a new disaster story"
Barry Glassner
Posted by Zach E. at 6:57 PM 0 comments

Yet again, three more great people
from the BGMC. The lovely lady in
the middle is the chorus director.
If my facts are right, I believe she is
just one of the two women who direct
a Gay Men's Chorus in the United
States. If you knew her you would
understand why she deserves to be
the director of these fine gentlemen.
Posted by Zach E. at 12:53 PM 0 comments
I was in Pittsburgh this weekend away from
my computer so I couldn't upload any photos.
I am back now from snow filled Pittsburgh
and here are some more great photos of
the BGMC. I love the second photo, leaves
you curious as to what they are fascinated about.
Posted by Zach E. at 3:03 PM 0 comments

Last night David, Jim, and I facilitated a photo shoot
with BGMC. I joined their choir about two months
ago and I feel honored to be apart of a group that strives
to use their powers for the good of humankind.
This group has successfully portrayed the
unexplainable beauty of music and applied it towards
the fight for equality. Something I have tried to do for
years but have never been able to exemplify it quite like
these guys.
Posted by Zach E. at 11:07 AM 0 comments

This is actually a picture. I love this
picture because I feel it very simply explains
what happens when you go to another country.
When you travel to another country its as though
you have the opportunity to see the world with a new
pair of eyes. To construct a new depth of understanding.
One that you can't read in a book or look up online, but one
that encompasses your five senses with a fresh outlook on life.
Posted by Zach E. at 6:55 PM 0 comments

This is not one of those illusions where
your supposed to find something in the
white box. This is just me saying I would
like your help with something. Allie and I
creating an art-show in Buffalo for the LGBT
(lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,trans gender) community.
We want to express the fact that if you look at
the heart of a person things like who they choose
to love fade away. We'll be having open submissions
for the show but Allie and I will be doing some paintings
and next Tuesday I am taking shots of
the Gay mens chorus for the show as well.
What I need from you:
We need a title for the art-show.
something very short and to the point.
We don't want anything very vast like "Diversity"
something more like "Beyond the Surface"
If you think of anything awesome send it to me on
facebook and I might be the title of our show.
Thanks friends.
Posted by Zach E. at 6:44 PM 0 comments

to the story.
This street
is not known
for it's
magnificent houses
or phenomenal shops.
This street is labeled
by its problems, by it's
Poverty. I came to a
red light and I couldn't
help but notice this
women on the sidewalk.
Allie was speaking of
how she was going to
send her brother some
things in the mail but
once I saw this women,
Allie's voice faded away.
As though my head was
immersed underwater.
All my focus was on this
women. At first she port
-rayed a normal physical
appearance, but quickly
you could tell that her
mind was not with her
body. It's like her soul
ran away when it realized
that she had shot up. This
beast flowing through her
veins, breaking the frames
of her senses, had full control
of her. Struggling to stay on her
feet, she wavered back and forth
on a square slab of the sidewalk. Her eyes kept
fluttering around in every direction like she was
to find
At one point she dropped her phone
in the ice around her. She had
to get on her knees to retrieve it.
That was the first time I saw in person, what Cocaine
can do to a human being.
I never want to see another person
be in full submission to a drug.
What I saw that day was a unnecessary struggle
to stay alive. When people around the world are
fighting with every ounce of their life to keeping
their heart beating why are there some that choose
to stop the heart?
Posted by Zach E. at 8:34 AM 0 comments

This picture is actually for Faith, our youngest
sister, but I stole it. She spent all last night working
on gifts for her siblings. I am continually amazed at
her commitment to love her family and friends.
Every other month her siblings will get something
in the mail from Allie. Her intentional love
is teaching me how a family should interact with
each other, and though I am reluctant to compete
with her level of intensity, I am slowly learning.
Posted by Zach E. at 9:27 AM 0 comments

Nature offers us so many beautiful sights.
Even after life has left this leaf it still
bares a unique beauty to it. It's as though
you can see the frame work of this fragile
leaf. How the branch that the leaf clung to
would work its way through the leaf's
organic capillaries giving life to this
now deceased leaf.
Posted by Zach E. at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Posted by Zach E. at 12:55 PM 0 comments

This statue reflecting Buddhism is
a symbol of happiness, contentment,
and prosperity. He is clothed in robes,
and his smile and protruding tummy
symbolizes abundance and mirth or laughter.
To the people that dislike this symbol, you
have nothing to fear. For thousands of years
people have been trying to personify the
characteristics and emotions of human beings.
It would be wrong to create any negative
connotations towards this symbol
when it represents such a positive light.
Posted by Zach E. at 6:37 PM 0 comments

my best friend, Myles, came to
Buffalo for a surprise visit. I was
shocked to see him and very appreciative to
hang out and talk with him for the short time
he was here. I am thankful to have a friend
like him in my life. He offers a perspective on
life that I think most people look past, or cant
even see at all.
P.S. that is Myles in the bottom right corner
of the photo
Posted by Zach E. at 6:08 PM 0 comments

before the holidays I and three others
took a trip to Chinatown deep in Toronto.
Toronto has 5.5 million residents. 52% of
those residents are immigrants. The city
is very diverse and Chinatown is a good example
of the different cultures that exist there.
Honestly, it was as though I was in Asia.
Posted by Zach E. at 7:44 PM 0 comments